-- HI EW!!! -- rbxutility funny moments?? function create(i, d) local n = Instance.new(table.unpack(i)) for i,v in d do n[i] = v end return n end function addsound(parent, id, vol, pitch, looped, doplay) local snd = Instance.new("Sound", parent) snd.Looped = looped snd.Volume = vol snd.Pitch = pitch snd.SoundId = id if doplay then snd:Play() end return snd end -- create tool local main = create({"Tool", owner.Backpack}, { Name = "gerb", }) local handle = create({"Part", main}, { Size = Vector3.one, Name = "Handle", Material = "SmoothPlastic", CanCollide = false, BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Baby blue"), }) local faces = { [0] = "rbxassetid://8560915", -- closed [1] = "rbxassetid://7076096", -- open mouth } local face = create({"Decal", handle}, { Texture = "rbxassetid://8560915" }) local mesh = create({"SpecialMesh", handle}, { MeshType = "Sphere" }) -- functions local talktimer = 0 function talk_loop() -- talking animation talktimer += 1 local bounce = math.abs(math.sin(talktimer / 12)) mesh.Offset = Vector3.new(0, bounce / 2, 0) local squish = math.sin(talktimer / 6) local sscale = (1.1 + (squish / 3)) mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(sscale, (1 + (squish / 12)), sscale) face.Texture = faces[math.floor(talktimer / 6) % 2] end function end_talk() talktimer = 0 mesh.Scale = Vector3.one mesh.Offset = Vector3.zero face.Texture = faces[0] end local quotestring = [==[Hi chat, this is my essay on why @head_smasher is . Why having such a strange name? "head_smasher". Is he about to give someone a head and make them ..... him? Bruuh! And what's with that pfp? This guy is a disgrace to his country! Why even supporting LGBTQ+? Didn't your parents teach you on how to be normal person? What is that phrasing of words? That guy fr replied to my message with "waaaa". Cringe! I hate him! My opinion: He should burn in hell!]==] --[[local quotestring = [==[Hello chat, this is my essay on why I hate X32Gex5 Why having such a strange name? "head_smasher". Is he about to give someone a head and make them ..... him? Bruuh! And what's with that pfp? This guy is a disgrace to his country! Why even supporting LGBTQ+? Didn't your parents teach you on how to be normal person? What is that phrasing of words? That guy fr replied to my message with "waaaa". Cringe! I hate him! My opinion: He should burn in hell!]==] ]] --[==[local quotestring = [[Wishing all you 'MERICANS safeness in these gosh darn hard times πŸ™ ❀️ Frick them aliens with their UFO's they ain't know who they messin with GLORY TO 'MERICA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ¦…πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ¦…]]]==] --local quotestring = "plz gigve require permission for Lua Sandbox (Place 1) to young macka 123" --local quotestring = [[Hi]] local quotes = string.split(quotestring, [==[ ]==]) -- every new line is a diff quote function getquote() local quote = quotes[math.random(1, #quotes)] quote = string.gsub(quote, [[ ]], "") return quote end -- talk local billb = create({"BillboardGui", handle}, { StudsOffset = Vector3.new(0, 2, 0), Size = UDim2.new(6, 0, 1.25, 0) }) local text = create({"TextBox", billb}, { Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0), BackgroundTransparency = 1, TextScaled = true, TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), TextStrokeTransparency = 0, MaxVisibleGraphemes = 0 }) local talking local busy local talksound = addsound(handle, "rbxassetid://3426658246", .5, 1) -- talk sounds: 174371645 or 3426658246 function speak(sayyea) busy = true -- stop spam talking = true -- anim text.Text = sayyea text.MaxVisibleGraphemes = 0 for i = 1, #sayyea do -- typewriter task.wait(1/12) talksound:Play() talksound.Pitch = 1.75 + (math.random() / 4) text.MaxVisibleGraphemes = i end talksound:Stop() talking = false -- stop anim end_talk() -- reset task.delay(.5, function() for i = 1, #sayyea do -- typewriter task.wait(1/60) text.MaxVisibleGraphemes = #sayyea-i end text.MaxVisibleGraphemes = 0 -- text is GONE!!!! busy = false end) end -- mhappy hpapy main.Activated:connect(function() if not busy then speak(getquote()) end end) game:service("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function() if talking then talk_loop() end end)